Welcome Back For 2022

A new year is a new opportunity for success.  Last year we asked students what do they want to learn. We didn’t expect most of their answers to be about skills and knowledge they could use after high school. So this summer, we added Culinary Arts, CTE ( Career & Technical Education), Chorus, and Life […]

Were you able to learn anything while in quarantine?

We asked some of our students to share about anything they learned over our quarantine, their responses made us think about all the things we learned in our time apart from our TrinityPrep family.  Edward I learned a few lessons over quarantine—one big one is that family is important. Being stuck in the house with […]

The Target Strategy

In continuing with our blogs about writing strategies, here is another approach that might work. The Target Strategy is a strategy that can help a writer at the beginning of the drafting process. It can also help keep a writer focused and organized while working. Time, Audience, Reason, Goal, Excitement, Tone Time: Pick a time period, work for that period, and […]

Before You Write

Sitting down with a blank page when you have to write something can be daunting. When writing, knowing where to start is a big part of the battle. One of the simplest ways to write a good paper is to make sure your thoughts are organized. Here are two easy strategies that can help you […]

Parents & Social Media

Your child being on social media is pretty much unavoidable. You can try and keep them off major social networking platforms or keep them from having a phone, but one way or another they will find a way to the things they want to see. Here are some tips for dealing with teens and social […]

Organized Chaos: Mind Mapping

If your child is a creative learner, then you know organization is a struggle for them. As a student I always got the same feedback on my paper; my ideas were good, but my writing was all over the place and lacked structure. Even while writing this blog, I struggle to make sure my writing […]

The Cornell Note Taking System

A common struggle students have is taking good notes in class. This method was created by Cordell Hoek while teaching at Cornell University in the 1940’s, but it still a popular way to help students organize information. This system works by dividing the page into three sections notes, cues, and summary.  Record In the notes […]

The 8 Keys of Excellence

Growing up, school was a struggle and not just for me, but for my entire family. My mother worried constantly about my grades and me getting into a good college, which made her hover over me every day when I came home from school. Her worrying made my dad stressed which led to lecturing, and […]

Creative Learners VS. Organization

How to know if you have a creative learner Creative learners have many great traits, but some of those characteristics make it difficult for them to focus and stay organized. Some creative characteristics are that they are sensitive, intuitive, artistic, athletic, musical, and think about the big picture. Some of the drawbacks of being a […]

Dealing with Teens and Depression

Depression is a complex illness because unlike the flu or rash, the symptoms of depression can be difficult to spot and may appear slowly over time. As a parent, the idea that your child is struggling with an illness that takes more than just medication to treat can make us question how well we have […]