In the late 1980s, Bruce Corwin, a former high school teacher and football coach, left his job with IBM to return to his first love: education. In 1994 he established a private high school serving the Charlotte region. This school would become Trinity Preparatory School in the late 1990s. In 1998 Doug Corwin left his professional services career to join his father in developing TrinityPrep, eventually taking over as Head of School in 2011.
In 2016 Harry Barto became Chairman to help TrinityPrep expand its ability to serve more families. While working on his doctorate in education, he brought a fresh perspective from his decades in business. In 2022 Dr. Barto joined the teaching staff, allowing even more classes for students to learn from expert educators.
We strive for TrinityPrep to be a haven for students who have struggled elsewhere. It has been an incredible journey so far, and we are excited about the future of helping many more Charlotte area students find success in the classroom and beyond.